
22 April, 2015

Walk at Main River

Hello my dears,

a while ago I made a walk with Tara near the Main river. I love this little piece of nature though usually it's crowded there (when the weather is nice).
Before we enjoyed ourselves in the nice café again.

Tara's cake

My cinnamon parfait I fell in love with

And the pretty tea set you always get there

This is next to the river. I love how there are this old and traditional buildings while you can see the modern skyscapers in the back

I really like the modern buildings of Frankfurt as well

But the traditional buildings are so special!

 A shot of the river itself

And one more. The sky was so blue! But then some clouds were coming

I found this view rather special so I took a photo of it and it came out quite well

That's it for today. Have you ever visited Frankfurt? Even if it just was for a plane change? Tell me about it.


  1. Hmm, das Zimtparfait sieht lecker aus!
    Und ansonsten finde ich Frankfurt ja auch echt hübsch. So ein Spaziergang kann schon nett sein. ^-^

  2. Ist es auch! |D Ich weiß gar nicht, was ich essen soll, wenn es das nicht mehr gibt. Ist eigentlich nur von der WInterkarte und gibts zu anderen Jahreszeiten nicht. Jetzt bin ich absolut aufgeschmissen xD
    Wenn du mal wieder herkommst, lass uns einen Spaziergang zusammen machen!

  3. I have visited Frankfurt a few times just for plane changes, so haven't explored too much. The cakes look yummy, I always stop at the bakery in the city. German pastries are my favourite <3

  4. Cinnamon parfait looks so delicious. Great post, dear.

  5. Lovely scenery! Lovely post, dear. Thanks for sharing.
